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The Royal 201: A Masterpiece of Diamond Cutting

The Birth of the Royal 201

In 2007, our own Donny Griffioen and Bobby Low created the Royal 201, a worldwide patented diamond cut. Praised for its sparkling brilliance, the Royal 201 is a great example of the evolution of the diamond shape, with more facets and more sparkle.

Our Chief Purchasing Officer explains, "You might think that the more facets a brilliant has, the more light reflects and the more the diamond sparkles. But it doesn't work that way. Many people tried to make diamond cuts with hundreds of facets, but when you put these next to the 201, you see there is more than the number of facets.

The Art of Crafting the Royal 201

Only highly experienced master diamond polishers can polish a rough diamond into a Royal 201. Because when a diamond polisher places a single facet slightly wrong, the light leaks through the pavilions and is lost forever. 

Crafting the Royal 201 takes twice as long as polishing a regular brilliant and happens in 3 stages. Our team of professionals, including 18 specially trained diamond polishers, work together to create this masterpiece.

The Royal 201: An exclusive cut

The Royal 201 is a proprietary cut, patented worldwide by Royal Coster Diamonds.

Our inspiration for the Royal 201 came from the emotional connection people have with diamonds. Since 1840, we have witnessed the impact diamonds have on people, sparking happiness and joy. We applied our 500 years of tradition and skills, along with 21st-century technology, to create a cut that honors this exceptional emotional connection.

The result is a true harmony of science and art, a diamond with maximum sparkle and a "wow factor" that touches the heart and soul of the wearer. The Royal 201 is a demonstration of our technique and a testament to our passion for capturing the essence of what makes diamonds so special.

The Royal 201 Signature C Collection

Born out of love for the craft, the Royal 201 Signature C Collection features a unique open setting designed exclusively for the Royal 201 diamond cut.

We have integrated the C into our design in such a way that we create a compass setting chaton where each axis connects the opposite ends of the C.

The open setting allows light to pass and maximize the brilliance of our signature cut.