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Global Blue Refunds

Difficulty in refund?

For customers from outside the european union, we offer a tax refund on their purchases. When you make a purchase, our diamond consultants or sales staff give you a detailed explanation on how to claim your tax refund. To claim your tax deduction, please make sure to do the 3 following steps on the right (desktop) or below (mobile).

How to request your tax refund
Step 1: Shop

When paying for your purchases, you receive a global blue tax free form from the sales staff who helped you.

Step 2: Stamp

At the airport or port, go to the customs desk and present your completed tax free form, passport, receipts and purchases to get a stamp on your form.

Where to get your stamp?

Note that you can only claim your tax refund at the last European (air)port from your trip back. Example: if you have a direct flight from Amsterdam to the USA, then you need to get your stamp in Amsterdam.

Where to get your stamp with layovers?

For example: if you fly from the Netherlands to the USA, but have a layover in France, you need to claim your stamp in France, not in the Netherlands.
If you have a layover outside the European union, you still need to get the stamp in Europe. For example: you have a flight from Amsterdam to Australia with a layover in china, you need to get your stamp at the Amsterdam airport, not in china.

Step 3: Claim

Go to the nearby global blue desk or office displaying a global blue logo. In some cases, this will be a currency exchange. Present your stamped, completed tax free form and your travel passport to receive the refund in cash or to your credit card.

Tax refund issues?

When these three steps are not followed correctly, this may cause a refund to be denied. We understand this can be extremely frustrating. Depending on the case, we may not be able to solve every tax refund issue. However, we highly value and appreciate you as our customer. Therefore, we will try to do our best to help you with your tax refund issue. Please fill the form below and we get back to you shortly.